Tamiya Calsonic Skyline GT-R (R33)
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10 years ago I built the R32 Calsonic
Skyline and it has been a long term 'favourite model'.
When the R33 became
available I took an instant liking to it, but it was a while before I could
find one and it made
it to the modelling table.
I now have the set of Calsonic Skylines and want to work my through building
them all.
After much searching Rover Tahiti Blue was the closest match I could find,
and four coats were applied to all the body parts, followed by much polishing! The decals were then
applied over the polished paint and no lacquer used.
The dark lights on this kit look fantastic, and have a black frame which is
applied as a decal. The colour, along with the white sponsor markings combine
to make a real attention seeker in the cabinet!
Read the instructions well if you start this kit as there are many little
changes you need to make to the body, such as removing the aerial base and
the front turn signals.
Keep your eyes out for more Calsonic sponsored cars!
This site was last updated